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Home > Local History > English Town Rankings - 1523-27 (Based on Subsidy Paid)

English Town Rankings in 1523-7
Rank Town
1 Norwich
2 Bristol
3 Newcastle
4 Coventry
5 Exeter
6 Salisbury
7 Ipswich
8 King's Lynn
9 Canterbury
10 Reading
11 Colchester
12 Bury St Edmunds
13 Lavenham
14 York
15 Totnes
16 Worcester
17 Gloucester
18 Lincoln
19 Hereford
20 Great Yarmouth
21 Hull
22 Boston
23 Southampton
24 Hadleigh
25 Wisbech
26 Shrewsbury
27 Oxford
28 Leicester
29 Cambridge
30 Stamford
31 Northampton
32 Windsor
33 Plymouth
34 Maldon
35 St. Albans
36 Chichester
37 Winchester
38 Long Melford
39 Sudbury
40 Rochester
41 Nottingham
42 Nayland


According to Hoskins, "Here, too, there are difficulties about what suburbs to include in the urban totals which can only be resolved in each case by the local historian, but the ranking in this list is unlikely to be changed by any such adjustments. For some towns the necessary assessments to the subsidy do not survive in their completeness and I have made an estimate on the basis of what remains. Certain towns and districts were excluded from the subsidy. It is possible to make a good placing for Newcastle, but Chester, Durham. Dover, and possibly Ludlow should be somewhere in the table also. Chester would have ranked high in the table."